13 Mukhi Indonesian - Shri Rudraksha
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13 Mukhi Indonesian


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Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Kamadeva (Cupid). It is known to fulfil all the desires including perfection in alchemy research work and medicine. The wearer gets everything to enjoy life to its full. A person who wants to accomplish and enjoy Sudha-Rasayana (luxuries of life) and those who are dedicated to synthesize something through research get the desired results by wearing this rudraksha. It removes the sin of killing close relatives like father, mother, brother, sister and guru.

For medicinal view point 13 mukhi rudraksha is used for psychiatric illness and as a cure for sexual disorders.

Beneficial for artists, actors, leaders, politicians and those who are in marketing profession.

Day of Wearing: Monday

Ruling God: Kamadeva

Pranam Mantra: Om Hreem Namah Namah

Price: Rs. 2200


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