12 Mukhi gauri-Shankar(Size-30MM) - Shri Rudraksha

12 Mukhi gauri-Shankar(Size-30MM)

Original price was: ₹ 8,499.00.Current price is: ₹ 7,999.00.

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Two naturally joined rudraksha called Gauri-Shankar is regarded as the unified form of  Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati.It makes the husband and wife identify  each other.Therefore it is regarde the best things for peace and comfort in the faminy.If a man worships Gauri-Shankar at his worshipping place,the pain and suffering and other earthly obstacles are destroyed and the peace and pleasure of family are increased.It is the heart centre that the union of the female and male energies takes place.In other words,when the two opposite and complementary energies within one of us occurs,then Cosmic Conciousness awakens in the ego of a seeker-the bud becomes a rose and unfolds the quality of unconditional love in his/her mystical heart.

Ruling God – Lord Shiva and Mata Parvati

Ruling Planet- Venus

Benefits-Power of manifestation and creation of projects for benefit of humanity.

Pranam Mantra-Om Aim  Hreem Yugal Rupanaye Namah




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